Key words- Video games

  1. Platform (what its played on- xbox, ps4...)
  2. Cross Media Platform (More than one type of platform it can be played on)
  3. Conglomerate (Large media group)
  4. Developer (Small company with ideas)
  5. Digital Distribution (making the game available on multiple platforms)
  6. Engine (System to create games)
  7. PEGI (Pan European Games Info)
  8. Designer ( someone who creates the game)
  9. RPG (Role Player Game)
  10. MMORPG (Massive multiplayer RPG)
  11. FPS (first person shooter)
  12. Triple A Game (Blockbuster video game)
  13. Open content (free to roam)
  14. DLC (Downloadable content)
  15. Sandbox (creative)
