Radio 1 breakfast show task


. Programs fulfilling psb remit:

What range of programs are offered?
. football news
. ted talk interviews
. hourly news
. comedy 
. Rugby news
. podcasts

What audiences are targeted?
All BBC radio stations are produced to target different variety of audiences. Radio 1 is purposefully targeted towards age 15-29 year old.
Radio 4 however is targeted for more of an older audience ages 51 and above.

Which of the 3 principles are most valid in each program? 
(To educate, inform and entertain)
2-Entertain, Educate
3-Entertain, Educate

Who was the first ever presenter on breakfast show?
Tony Blackburn

What DJs have presented the show?
Steve Wright, Nick Grimshaw, Chris Evans

Nick Grimshaw:
Born- 1984 (34 years old), He hosted the breakfast show from 2012 to 2018

What are the current numbers for the BBC breakfast show?
Around 9.43 million listeners

How is radio 1 funded?
Its funded by the annual television licencing fee, charged to all British households, companies and organisations.

How does radio 1 try to be distinctive?
It uses a range of new and old music, speech and new artists (mainly from the UK)

How does the BBC differ from commercial stations? 
As the BBC is already funded by the tv licence, it doesn't need commercial add breaks.

Which stations are aimed at 15- 25 year old?
Football news, comedy podcasts, young and relatable speakers and DJs. BBC radio 1 is mostly aimed for a younger audience.

What would appeal to those outside the target audience?

The up to date or new music appeals to those of all ages as well as famous speakers and regular news.

How can radio 1 fulfill psb responsibilities?
The BBC has main values: honesty, independence and impartiality. The audience are the sole focus of the works produced. 
