Judith Butler

Gender Performativity

Judith butler is an american philosopher whose somewhat controversial theory's of gender and sex have influenced many different parts of society.  
Judith's theory suggests that the typical role of 'gender' has been imposed upon a person from the moment they are born, in a way that shapes a persons future as that person. Her belief is that through society, gender is portrayed in certain ways that if demolished would create a much more diverse and modern world. 
Over time, the media has forced stereotypes through color and materialism eg. the color blue typically represents a 'boy' and the color pink therefore 'female', forcing a child to believe that as a result of their biological structure they must conform to these naive and outdated unspoken rules.
Similarly, Judith's theory suggests that gender isn't just a label but more an act unintentionally followed by the majority of society in a way that a women should naturally be a good cook, despite their lack of skill. 
From an early age a child is constructed into a gender through the way they are treated as a person. For example, a boy isn't born good at sport, like the media suggests, but is trained from a child to play sport and therefore becomes good at it. This is how the role of gender is taught.
