Media forms

 With the many difference and expanding forms of media, the most commonly used in today's society is media online. The online world is growing and with advertisement in almost everything we see.

Personally i believe, media online has a large influence on the public largely due to subtle advertisement and misleading click bait. The media world online and otherwise can be hugely influential on every different member of society.

Film- Disney, 20th century fox
Social media- Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Radio- KISS, Heart, BBC radio

Media is used in advertisement to influence the audience into buying or believing they need a certain product or way of life.

In the Cadburys advert, emotive language is used to play on the audiences feelings. The emotion is used so the audience remember the advert therefore encouraging them to perchance the product.

Social media such as facebook and instagram are becoming increasingly more popular, people are drawn in by exciting new adaptations to the app and are kept engaged by the vast content available to everyone. 

