Media influences

'Popular media has a significant but not entirely straightforward relationship with peoples sense of gender and identity'
The media uses bold headlines to get across certain views and expectations. Some articles/ adverts indoctrinate their audience which later impacts the audiences opinions weather that is right or wrong.
For example, this front cover from the Daily express clearly expresses a very one-sided opinion which will impact how the reader now thinks about the certain topic.
The newspaper had chosen a bold font which implys a desperation/need for the reader to listen to the message.
Media such as this is dangerous as it can influence incorrect opinions.

Media in Adverts

This Girl Can

Are You Beach Body Ready?

The two adverts contrast drastically, 'This girl can' was created in the hope to lift up and empower women of all ages, sizes, nationality and class. The adverts aim was to show everyone how powerful and capable women can be, fighting the outdated stereotypes of how girls are supposed to be presented. The advert shows clips of everyday activity's women endure in, breaking the gender stereotype of men typically playing sports which inspires due to the realistic and everyday settings. 

In comparison, the Protein World wight-loss pills advert sets an unrealistic standereds for women, asking in bold 'are you beach body ready'. The advert was eventually banned due to its unrealistic and body-shaming picture, after receiving backlash from many women for its sexist expectations.
The bold colour of yellow draws attention to the ad, making it stand out and stick in the audiences mind.

Overall the ads are composed to show very different messages and expectations for women in today's society. Each ad has a different way in making the advert memorable.
