Boyz in da hood


D- Rough neighborhood, violence
S- Rough neighborhood in LA
T- violence/ Gangster
I- posters of president,
    Pictures the children have drawn
    Road signs
    Police tape
N- Whats happening
C- Tre styles and his friends
T- Pan to the stop sign in opening scene, close ups of posters etc...

Mise en scene (CLAMPS)

C- children are casual, wearing tracksuits which shows the 'ghetto' style. Tray and his mother are well dressed which shows education/wealth
L-Natural lighting makes it more real and everyday like
A- Actors are all children which shows the problems of 'hood' children and family's and how innocent children grow up in these situations.
M-Children all look natural
P- The cane is used in the classroom to show a tool  learning/ education can become one of violence
S-Set in 'the hood' which highlights the problems these children face

Editing (STOP)

S-Tre (main character) has the most screne time seconded by his friends and the teacher
T- From blood/crime scene to classroom/paintings
O- Tray and his friends walking to school/ the day
P-No special effects

M- Sad when looking at crime scene
C- Parallel (mirrors emotional mood)
D- Non digetic music
O- Opening credits (gun shots/violence/blank screen)
V-No voice over
E- Music reflects emotion
D- Tray shows confident through his way of speech. He doesn't sound scared when talking about crime or when seeing the blood


  1. Good start, describe the music, instrumental? What about the off screen voice at the start? Example of dialogue that shows what Tre is like? You can merge the camera shots with the mise en scene to describe for eg the low angle close up shot of the stop sign signifies...
    There is quite a lot of sound to discuss also.


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